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James Willard Schultz with General Hugh Scott and Mr. Campbell at Saint Mary

James Willard Schultz with General Hugh Scott and Mr. Campbell at Saint Mary's Lake, 1935

Photographer:  Schultz, James Willard, 1859-1947

Date Created:  1935

Keywords:  james willard schultz, general hugh scott, glacier national park

Archaeology - Southwest: Pottery In-Situ with Pick Axe for Scale

Archaeology - Southwest: Pottery In-Situ with Pick Axe for Scale

Photographer:  Schultz, James Willard, 1859-1947

Date Created:  1867/1969

Keywords:  indians of north america - antiquities and archaeological sites, pottery

Indian Days 1965: Honor guard leads the parade

Indian Days 1965: Honor guard leads the parade

Photographer:  Schultz, James Willard, 1859-1947

Date Created:  1965

Keywords:  parades and processions, blackfeet indians, montana, glacier county, indians of north america


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